
Eating healthy can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can eat healthy without breaking the bank. Here are 10 tips to help you do just that!

1. Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk (like at Costco or Sam’s Club) is a great way to save money on items like nuts, seeds, grains, and dried fruit. These items are often much cheaper when purchased in larger quantities than they would be if purchased from the regular grocery store. Just make sure that you’re only buying what you need so nothing goes to waste!

2. Shop Seasonally

Shopping for foods that are in season is not only more cost effective but it also ensures that your food is fresher and more nutrient dense. Shopping seasonally will also help you discover new fruits and vegetables that you may not have otherwise tried!

3. Grow Your Own Produce

Growing your own produce is a great way to save money while getting some exercise and enjoying the outdoors! Homegrown fruits and vegetables also tend to be much more flavorful than store bought produce so there’s a tasty bonus too!

4. Eat Meatless Meals

Eating vegetarian meals every now and then is an easy way to save money on groceries since meat tends to be one of the most expensive items on your grocery list. There are plenty of delicious plant-based recipes out there so you won’t get bored with your meals either! is a great site that will send you a meatless recipe once per week for free, check it out!

5. Meal Prep

Meal prepping saves time (and therefore money!) because it eliminates the need for last minute takeout or delivery orders when you don’t feel like cooking after a long day at work. Meal prepping also helps keep portion sizes under control which can help keep your grocery costs down as well!

6. Buy Frozen Fruits & Veggies

Frozen fruits and veggies are typically cheaper than their fresh counterparts but just as nutritious (or even more so!). Not only that but frozen fruits and veggies tend to stay fresh longer than their fresh counterparts so they won’t go bad before you get around to using them either!

7. Look for Deals & Coupons

Always look for deals or coupons when shopping for groceries as this can help lower your overall costs significantly over time. Additionally, many stores offer loyalty programs which allow customers to earn points or discounts on future purchases so make sure to take advantage of those too if possible! is a great resource for sales and coupons.

8. Stock Up When Items Are On Sale

Stock up on non-perishable items like canned beans or rice when they go on sale since these types of products typically have long shelf lives and will last awhile before needing to be replaced again (which means more savings!).

9. Don’t Waste Food

Wasting food should always be avoided as it harms the environment in multiple ways and leads to substantial financial losses. When shopping for groceries, taking the time to plan ahead is essential in avoiding unnecessary purchases and minimising food waste. Making lists ensures that nothing gets forgotten or left behind at the store, which can then lead to a decrease in wasted food.
To further preserve food at home, one should consider storing it properly in order to keep it fresh for longer. This could involve using airtight containers for items such as grains, pulses and nuts to prevent them from going stale. Additionally, keeping track of usage-by dates is important when considering what needs to be eaten first; this will enable you to make use of food items before they go off or spoil. Freezing foods that are not likely to get eaten soon can also help extend their shelf life so they can be used later on when needed.
Finally, reducing portion size is also an effective way of preserving food. If you’re cooking too much you can always freeze the excess for another day! Taking all these measures into consideration will ensure that both environmental and financial costs associated with food waste can be minimized; while making sure that your refrigerator (and bank account) remains well-stocked! has some great tips on storing food.

10. Try New Recipes

Trying new recipes every now and then helps keep mealtime interesting while saving money since trying new recipes sometimes requires less ingredients than sticking with tried-and-true dishes. Who know, you might discover something delicious along the way which could become part of your regular rotation of meals moving forward too!


Eating healthy doesn’t mean spending a fortune; it just takes some planning ahead and looking for creative ways to save money while still enjoying nutritious meals at home with family or friends. By following these 10 tips above, everyone can enjoy eating healthy without breaking the bank!


Feeding a picky eater can be stressful and frustrating. It’s hard to know what to do when your child is constantly refusing to eat certain foods. But don’t worry there are a few simple tips and tricks you can use to make meals easier for everyone. Here are 10 tips for picky eaters that may help.

1. Involve children in meal planning and preparation

Involving your child in the cooking process can help them develop an appreciation for food, as well as an understanding of the effort involved in making a meal. This will also give them ownership over their own food choices, allowing them to decide what they’d like to eat on their own terms.
Here are some great examples of meals that are easy to prepare with kids

2. Offer small portions of food at first

If your child is hesitant about trying new foods, offer them smaller portions than you would typically serve so that they don’t feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the size of the plate in front of them. You can always provide them with a second helping when they finish their plate.
Here is a great resource for basic nutritional guidelines for kids,food%20you%20serve%20at%20meals.

3. Make sure there are familiar items on the plate

Having a few familiar items on the plate (like macaroni and cheese, veggie sticks, or crackers) alongside unfamiliar ones gives kids something to rely on if they don’t take to the new item right away. this strategy makes it easier for them to take a risk and try it out without feeling uncomfortable or scared off by unfamiliarity.

4. Introduce one new food at a time

When introducing new foods, start with just one item at a time so as not to overwhelm your child with too much change all at once. Having too many new foods can be intimidating or even scary for some children (especially young ones).

5. Let children choose from two or three options when possible

Giving kids choices within reasonable parameters gives them more control over their meals without overwhelming them with too many options. This helps build trust between parent and child around food choices while also allowing kids some freedom in deciding what they’d like to eat each day/mealtime!

6. Offer healthy snacks throughout the day

Eating healthy snacks throughout the day helps maintain blood sugar levels and keeps kids from getting overly hungry during mealtimes. Doing this makes them more likely to try out new foods when presented with those same items during mealtime. Here are some great healthy snack ideas for the kiddos

7. Don’t force feed

Forcing a child to eat something they don’t like can have a long-term negative effect on both the child’s development and relationship with food. It can make them feel helpless, scared and resentful. This can lead to a lack of trust in their parents, as well as the development of unhealthy habits such as overeating in the future.
Furthermore, forcing children to eat certain foods can lead to an aversion or even dislike towards those foods, which could limit a child’s diet and nutrition later on in life. Additionally, it can often lead to children eating too much at one time, which could contribute to weight problems down the line. On top of that, it may also discourage healthy eating habits as kids become more likely to prefer processed or junk foods since they’re seen as more fun or exciting than nutritious options. It would be far better for parents to encourage their children’s desire for healthy food by providing plenty of nutritious options and showing interest in what they’re eating instead of dictating what they consume.
Forcing kids to eat something they don’t want could lead to negative associations with that food item in the future. Instead, focus on offering healthy options and letting your child decide how much he/she wants of each item (within reason).

8. Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement goes a long way towards helping kids learn healthier eating habits; praising good behavior (like trying out new foods) will encourage more of it in future dining experiences!

9. Take time out before meals

Taking five minutes out before meals allows both parents and children time alone together. This helps create an atmosphere conducive towards trying new things without fear of judgment or pressure from either side.

10. Talk about nutrition

Talking about nutrition doesn’t have to be boring; instead it should focus on why certain foods are beneficial (or not). This information can help form more informed decisions when it comes time for dinner!
Some simple nutritional supplements can also take some of the stress off of a period of picky eating. See my article on the top 10 supplements for kids health for more information.


Picky eating isn’t easy but there are ways you can make mealtimes less stressful for everyone involved. From including your children in meal planning and preparation processes all the way through offering healthy snacks throughout the day, these ten tips will help make dinnertime easier while still ensuring that your family eats nutritious meals together. If you feel that you require more counseling, feel free to book an appointment.


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