
Introduction to Tyrosine and Its Role in the Body and Brain Function

Tyrosine, also known as L-tyrosine, is a naturally occurring amino acid crucial for the production of several important neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. These chemicals play vital roles in regulating mood, cognitive function, and the body’s stress response. As a precursor to these neurotransmitters, tyrosine is essential for maintaining mental alertness, focus, and overall brain health. However, many fitness enthusiasts and health experts are now turning to tyrosine supplements to enhance these effects further.

In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits and risks associated with tyrosine supplementation, explore recommended dosages, and provide insights from experts and real-life experiences to help you make an informed decision about incorporating this supplement into your health regimen.

Benefits of Tyrosine Supplementation

Enhanced Cognitive Function and Focus

One of the most compelling benefits of tyrosine supplementation is its potential to enhance cognitive function and improve focus. Tyrosine serves as a precursor to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in motivation, attention, and memory. Studies have shown that tyrosine supplementation can help maintain cognitive performance under stressful conditions, such as during demanding tasks or prolonged periods of wakefulness.

Key Points:

  • Supports mental alertness and concentration.
  • May improve memory and learning capabilities.
  • Helps maintain cognitive performance under stress.

Stress Reduction and Improved Mood

Tyrosine is also involved in the production of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which are critical for the body’s stress response. Supplementing with tyrosine can help replenish depleted levels of these neurotransmitters, potentially reducing stress and improving mood. For individuals facing high-stress situations or those prone to anxiety, tyrosine supplementation may offer a natural way to manage these challenges.

Key Points:

  • Helps regulate the body’s stress response.
  • May reduce anxiety and improve overall mood.
  • Supports mental resilience during stressful periods.

Support for Physical Performance and Endurance

Fitness enthusiasts often seek supplements that can enhance physical performance and endurance. Tyrosine has been shown to reduce the perception of fatigue during prolonged exercise, potentially allowing athletes to push harder and longer. Additionally, by supporting the production of adrenaline, tyrosine may enhance physical performance and reaction times.

Key Points:

  • Reduces the perception of fatigue during exercise.
  • May enhance physical performance and reaction times.
  • Supports endurance during prolonged physical activity.

Risks and Side Effects of Tyrosine Supplementation

Overstimulation and Insomnia

While tyrosine can boost alertness and focus, excessive supplementation may lead to overstimulation. This can result in symptoms such as jitteriness, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. To avoid these side effects, it is crucial to adhere to recommended dosages and avoid taking tyrosine supplements too close to bedtime.

Key Points:

  • Excessive tyrosine intake may cause overstimulation.
  • Can lead to jitteriness and anxiety.
  • Avoid taking supplements close to bedtime to prevent insomnia.

Potential Interaction with Medications

Tyrosine supplements may interact with certain medications, particularly those affecting neurotransmitter levels, such as MAO inhibitors and thyroid medications. If you are taking any medications, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting tyrosine supplementation to avoid potential interactions.

Key Points:

  • May interact with medications affecting neurotransmitter levels.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before starting supplementation.

Allergic Reactions and Gastrointestinal Issues

As with any supplement, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or gastrointestinal issues when taking tyrosine. Common side effects include nausea, heartburn, and stomach cramps. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.

Key Points:

  • Potential for allergic reactions and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Common side effects include nausea, heartburn, and stomach cramps.
  • Discontinue use if adverse reactions occur.

Recommended Dosage and Usage

Safe and Effective Dosage Guidelines

The appropriate dosage of tyrosine can vary depending on individual needs and goals. However, a common dosage range is between 500 mg to 2,000 mg per day. It is advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it while monitoring for any adverse effects.

Key Points:

  • Common dosage range: 500 mg to 2,000 mg per day.
  • Start with a lower dose and gradually increase.
  • Monitor for adverse effects.

Best Times to Take Tyrosine for Maximum Benefit

To maximize the benefits of tyrosine supplementation, it is best to take it on an empty stomach, either in the morning or before engaging in mentally or physically demanding activities. Avoid taking tyrosine supplements late in the day to prevent potential sleep disturbances.

Key Points:

  • Take on an empty stomach for better absorption.
  • Ideal times: morning or before demanding activities.
  • Avoid late-day supplementation to prevent sleep disturbances.

Conclusion: Balancing the Benefits and Risks for Informed Supplementation Decisions

Tyrosine supplementation offers several potential benefits, including enhanced cognitive function, stress reduction, and improved physical performance. However, it is essential to balance these benefits with the potential risks, such as overstimulation, medication interactions, and gastrointestinal issues. By adhering to recommended dosages and consulting with healthcare professionals, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating tyrosine into their health regimen.

Call to Action

Have you tried tyrosine supplements? Share your experiences or ask questions in the comments below! For more insights into optimizing your health and fitness journey, explore our other blog posts and stay informed about the latest trends and research.

For more about Tyrosine supplementation check out this link


For many, the term “REM sleep” is synonymous with the dream state, a surreal space where our most vivid and immersive dreams play out each night. But REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is more than just a portal to fantasy; it’s a vital phase in our sleep cycle, critical for processes such as memory consolidation, learning, and emotional regulation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricate web of factors that can either bolster or bog down your REM sleep, and how your daily activities and dietary choices may be affecting these important nighttime hours.

Understanding REM Sleep

Before we unravel the complex relationship between our lifestyle and REM sleep, it’s crucial to appreciate what REM sleep is and why it matters. REM sleep is one of four stages of a sleep cycle, which is patterned throughout the night. It usually begins about 90 minutes after you fall asleep, cycling through several times. During this phase, your eyes move rapidly from side to side behind closed eyelids, your brain waves mimic those of someone who is awake, and your breathing becomes faster and irregular.

This stage of sleep is where the majority of your dreams occur, and it’s also associated with processes that maintain our emotional health and flexibility. Disruptions to REM sleep have been linked to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Conversely, healthy REM periods are believed to help process the stress and emotional peaks of daily life, setting the stage for a rejuvenated and balanced wakefulness.

The Dance of Lifestyle Factors on REM Sleep

Our prevailing habits and routines have a dance with REM sleep that lasts all day. Each step, from the moment we wake until our heads hit the pillow, can affect the dance’s harmony and the quality of our REM experience.

The Rhythm of Routine

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is one of the golden rules for quality rest. Irregular sleep patterns can cause fragmentation of REM sleep, leading to a less restorative nighttime experience. For night owls and early birds alike, the key is to find a rhythm that allows for the required seven to nine hours of sleep each night, with an anchor time for waking and sleeping.

Stress and BEDtime Stories

Stress is a notorious saboteur of sound sleep, and this stands true for REM sleep. Chronic stress can reduce the overall amount of REM sleep, leading to undesirable emotional consequences such as increased irritability and difficulty coping with daily challenges. Cultivating a relaxing bedtime routine, free from the screens that emit blue light and the alerts that activate stress responses, can significantly aid in protecting your REM time.

Activity by Day, Rest by Night

Regular exercise can enhance the quality of all sleep stages, including REM. However, the timing is important. Intense workouts too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep. Experts suggest that moderate aerobic activity during the day can promote more deep and REM sleep when you hit the hay.

Ingesting Sleep: Dietary Choices and REM Sleep Correlations

The saying “you are what you eat” extends to “you sleep how you eat.” Our diet has a profound impact on sleep quality, and REM sleep is no exception.

Daytime Nutrition for Dreamy Nights

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, which is found in leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains, are associated with better sleep quality and can possibly enhance REM sleep. Meanwhile, a diet high in added sugars and saturated fats may decrease the amount of REM sleep you get each night while increasing your chances of waking up around with sugary cravings.

The Supper Affair

The last meal of the day should be a light affair, at least two to three hours before bedtime. A heavy, large meal can trigger indigestion, which can lead to disrupted REM sleep. Opting for smaller, nutritious suppers that contain substances like melatonin, magnesium and tryptophan can better prepare your body for a restful night. Foods such as cherries, dairy for those who can tolerate it, nuts, seeds and turkey, are all sources of these sleep-inducing nutrients.

The Drink Dilemma

Beverages, such as coffee and alcohol, are perhaps the most notorious culprits in the disruption of REM sleep. While it’s essential for many to have a morning cup to start the day, the half-life of caffeine means that even an afternoon coffee can linger in your system, potentially causing sleep disturbances, including a reduction in REM sleep. Alcohol, despite its initial sedative effects, can disrupt the overall organization of the sleep cycle and lead to lighter, less restful REM sleep later in the night.

Nurturing the Environment for REM Sleep

Creating a serene and sleep-conducive environment can provide a powerful boost to your REM experience. From the mattress you choose to the ambiance in your bedroom, every element of your sleep environment plays a part in the quality of your REM sleep.

The Bedtime Saga

A firm mattress and a supportive pillow are crucial for comfort and spinal alignment, which are key to relaxing enough to enter REM sleep. Old, worn-out mattresses and unsupportive pillows can cause discomfort and lead to frequent interruptions in your sleep cycle, interrupting your REM time.

The Atmosphere in Your REM Domain

The setup of your bedroom also matters. Is it dark enough? Cool enough? Free from distracting noises and sudden light intrusions? These environmental factors are the setting for a successful REM performance by your body, and they’re all within your control. Blackout curtains, ambient noise machines, and avoiding the blue light of electronic devices can all contribute to a more optimal sleep environment.

Balancing Act: Technology and Its Role in REM Sleep

In an age where screens are as ubiquitous as air, managing technology’s relationship with REM sleep is an ongoing balancing act. On one hand, technology can offer tremendous advancements in monitoring and improving sleep quality, but on the other, our constant connection to it can drive a wedge between us and the restful REM sleep we need.

The Monitoring Mania

Sleep-tracking apps and devices provide insights into the duration and quality of your various sleep stages, including REM. But like any tech, their usefulness depends on how you use them. Obsessively checking these trackers can lead to sleep anxiety, a condition where you become more worried and fixated on the notion that you’re not getting “enough” REM sleep, ironically making the situation worse.

The Digital Diet

The “blue light” emitted by smartphones, tablets, and laptops can suppress melatonin production, a hormone necessary for the onset of REM sleep. Establishing tech-free zones at least an hour before bedtime and utilizing blue-light filters on devices can mitigate its effects and support the quality of your REM time.

The Caffeinated Conundrum: Friends and Foes of REM Sleep

Caffeine is a staple in many daily routines, an essential wake-up call that precedes REM sleep by several hours. Its consumption can significantly affect your REM sleep, especially if you’re among the over 60% of Americans who admit they need coffee to start their day.

The Morning Cuppa

Caffeine’s stimulating effects on the nervous system can be felt within 15 minutes of consumption and can last between 6 to 8 hours. This means that you’re potentially still feeling the effects of your morning coffee by the time you’re ready to dream. Reducing or eliminating caffeine after noon ensures that the majority is out of your system by bedtime, thus decreasing the likelihood of REM sleep disruption.

The Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

While the afternoon lull may seem an appropriate time for a ‘pick-me-up’, a second or third cup of caffeine in the afternoon can delay the onset of REM sleep, leading to a decrease in the overall duration and density of REM segments during the night. Opting for a decaf or a non-caffeinated hot drink is a REM-friendly alternative that can help maintain the integrity of your sleep cycle.

Alcohol’s Journey in the Land of Z’s

Alcohol’s effects on sleep are complex and varied, but some trends are clear when it comes to REM sleep. Although it’s initially a sedative and can help you fall asleep faster, it can reduce the overall time spent in REM sleep.

The Nightcap Guide

Many turn to a nightcap to help them relax and fall asleep. While a small amount of alcohol might help with the former, it can lead to a decrease in deep sleep and an increase in lighter, non-REM stages. This means REM sleep is often more fragmented and concentrated in the second half of the night after alcohol levels in the blood have dropped.

The Ounce of Prevention

Minimizing alcohol consumption within a few hours of bedtime can help prevent the disruptions it causes to the quality and quantity of REM sleep. Opting for a non-alcoholic substitute can provide relaxation without the effects on your sleep cycle.

Cannabis for sleep

Cannabis and Counting Sheep

Research into the effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) on REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep has yielded intriguing insights.

THC, the psychoactive component predominantly found in marijuana, has been observed to decrease the duration of REM sleep. Individuals consuming THC before bedtime may experience shorter REM sleep periods, which is the sleep phase associated with vivid dreams. This reduction in REM sleep might initially seem innocuous, particularly for those wishing to avoid nightmares, but long-term diminishment can affect the quality of rest and cognitive functions related to learning and memory consolidation that are believed to occur during this critical sleep stage.

On the other hand, CBD, a non-psychoactive compound, appears to have a more complex relationship with sleep. Some studies suggest that CBD might actually promote REM sleep stability, thereby potentially aiding those with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), a condition characterized by physically acting out dreams. However, CBD’s effects can vary depending on dosage and individual response, highlighting the need for further research to fully understand its impact on sleep architecture.

For more articles on cannabis and sleep Click Here

Expert Tips and Advice for REM Sleep Optimization

Seeking insights from sleep specialists and experts can expand our understanding of how we can optimize REM sleep. These nuggets of wisdom can serve as beacons of knowledge in the vast sea of information on the subject.

The Doctor Is In

Sleep physicians often recommend the use of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), a structured program that helps address the underlying causes of sleep problems. By examining and modifying behaviours and patterns related to sleep, such as caffeine use or bedtime routines, CBT-I has been shown to improve sleep quality and REM time.

Deep-Diving with a Dietician or Naturopath

Registered dieticians and Naturopathic Doctors can provide tailor-made dietary plans that focus on sleep-promoting foods, catering to individual nutrient needs and deficiencies. By including foods rich in magnesium, melatonin, and tryptophan, a dietician-guided diet can help support a healthy sleep cycle, including REM time.

For more naturopathic tips on better sleep Click Here

Hygiene with a Sleep Specialist

Consulting a sleep specialist or therapist can be a game-changer for those who consistently struggle with REM sleep. By working together to understand and address factors contributing to sleep disturbances, such as sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, expert care can offer significant improvements in REM sleep quality.

Conclusion: In the Lap of Awareness lies Quality REM Sleep

The road to enhanced REM sleep is paved with conscious choices and intentional actions. By developing a deeper awareness of the impact of our daily activities and dietary decisions on our sleep, we can foster an environment that supports the restorative power of our REM cycles.

A holistic approach that considers our unique needs, sensitivities, and challenges can yield the most sustainable results in our quest for sound sleep.

Call to Action: A Dream State of Being

Sleep is a barometer for health and well-being, and REM sleep is an integral part of that equation. Engaging in this discussion and learning more about the connection between our choices and our REM sleep empowers us to take control and achieve a dream state of being each and every night. Come join the quest for the ultimate sleep experience—your REM cycle and future self will thank you.

Those of you that read my articles regularly know that I am a WHOOP band wearer. Here is an article from WHOOP on how to optimize REM sleep


In the quest for untapped fitness potential, one compound has been gaining significant traction in endurance circles—Beta-Alanine. With a surge in scientific studies and an increasing focus on supplement qualities for endurance athletes, Beta-Alanine has cemented its place as a staple in many athletic regimens. For the uninitiated, Beta-Alanine’s rise may be cloaked in mystery, but this rise is underpinned by solid evidence and touted by those who it has propelled to greater athletic heights.

Unveiling Beta-Alanine’s Potential

Endurance is the backbone of many a sports feat—be it a marathon, a cycling tour, or the tenacity required in team sports. At its core, endurance is the capacity to withstand prolonged stress, be it mental or physical, and remain functional. It is this quintessential element that Beta-Alanine enhances, offering athletes the ability to push through fatigue for an extended period.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning it’s a building block of protein and naturally present in many foods in the typical diet, such as poultry and fish. But what makes it stand apart is its entry into the carnosine production cycle. Carnosine, found primarily in muscle, is a buffer against lactic acid build-up, which is a major contributor to that burning sensation and fatigue you feel at the end of a grueling set.

The Beta-Alanine Breakdown

When ingested, Beta-Alanine combines with another amino acid, histidine, to form carnosine. The result is a muscle that is better equipped to maintain its pH levels, delay fatigue, and potentially improve performance during high-intensity, short-duration activities like sprinting or powerlifting. It’s the longer events, however, such as triathlons or endurance runs, where the delayed onset of fatigue that Beta-Alanine offers becomes a game-changer.

The Strategic Science of Delayed Fatigue

Imagine a marathon runner on the last leg of their run, where every step is a skirmish against a rising tide of bodily protest. Beta-Alanine could be the ally that turns the tide. The science is compelling—a potent course of Beta-Alanine can increase intramuscular carnosine by as much as 60% in just 4 weeks.

Beta-Alanine in the Field and on the Paper

It’s not just anecdotal evidence that sings Beta-Alanine’s praise. Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown its efficacy in various endurance sports. Cyclists, rowers, and football players have all displayed improved performance and delayed muscle fatigue.

A Test of Supplements

In the supplement realm, Beta-Alanine showcases its colours as an ally to caffeine or creatine, often teaming up to form a trifecta of pre-workout endurance enhancement.

The Right Dosage and Time

The key to unlocking Beta-Alanine’s full potential is not just in taking it, but in how and when. Experts suggest that taking 3.2 grams per day, for at least two weeks, and up to a month, prior to competition is the sweet spot for improvement. The timing of ingestion is also crucial, with a spread-out approach, known as ‘stacking’, potentially maximizing the benefits.

The ‘Stack’ Advantage

Stacking involves dividing your daily dose into smaller, more frequent servings, hence ensuring a steady carnosine boost throughout the day. For example, a supplement dosed 1.6 grams, twice daily, can see significant benefits.

Incorporating Beta-Alanine into Your World

Adding Beta-Alanine to your fitness arsenal is more than just popping capsules; it’s about assimilating it into a broader approach to your wellbeing. Whether training for a marathon or your first 5K, here’s how to smartly introduce Beta-Alanine into the fray:

Periodization and the Power of Planning

Plan your Beta-Alanine ‘loading’ phase during lower-intensity training weeks, which can help mitigate the potential side effect of temporary paresthesia—a tingling sensation that some people experience.

The Furniture of Fitness—Understanding Interaction

Beta-Alanine does not stand alone in space; it shares the workout room with other key players such as hydration, nutrition, and rest. Ensuring these are in alignment with your supplementation can augment the benefits of Beta-Alanine.

The Balance of Benefits with the Burden of Precautions

Like any supplement, Beta-Alanine is not without its warnings. High doses or stacking without understanding one’s limits can open the door to side effects like the aforementioned paresthesia. Consulting a healthcare professional and adhering to recommended dosages is paramount.

The Conundrum of Champions and Consumers

Elite athletes seek any edge, legal within sporting regulations, to elevate their game. For enthusiasts, the balance is often between the will to push limits and the practicalities of our fitness journeys. Beta-Alanine, however, seems to bridge this gap, offering benefits backed by science and accessible to all levels of enthusiasts.

The Echo of Endurance

As we conclude this deep-dive into Beta-Alanine, it’s evident that the allure of this amino acid is more than just hot air. Science has given us a treasure trove of possibilities—of marathons conquered, of transformations unseen on the track or the trail. The echo of endurance is a song that we all have the power to sing, with the right tune of nutrition, training, and now, supplementation.

In your own quest for endurance, consider adding Beta-Alanine to your notes as a high note in the symphony of fitness. A supplement not just for the professionals but for anyone in pursuit of their personal limit—because after all, the name of the game, in the end, is endurance, and with Beta-Alanine, the pursuit just got a lot more promising.

For more information on Beta Alanine Click Here
For more articles about supplements for exercise Check this out


As we navigate the daily barrage of tasks, notifications, and requests for our attention, one thing becomes glaringly clear: focus is a precious commodity. The ability to concentrate and maintain attention on a task without the buzz of distraction can significantly boost productivity and overall performance. However, in today’s fast-paced world, achieving and sustaining focus seems like an increasingly challenging feat.

Beyond traditional strategies like time management and structured work environments, supplements have gained popularity for their potential to enhance cognitive functions, particularly focus. This post delves into five science-backed supplements that can be incorporated into your daily routine to sharpen your concentration and stay on track.

Supplement 1: Caffeine

The Workhorse for Alertness

Caffeine, the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substance, is a staple for many looking to jump-start their day. It works by blocking the action of the neurotransmitter adenosine, which promotes relaxation and drowsiness, thereby increasing alertness.

How Much is Too Much?

For optimal focus, doses of 40-300 mg have been shown to be effective. However, caffeine can have side effects, such as jitters and disrupted sleep, and its efficacy can be diminished over time due to tolerance.

Supplement 2: L-Theanine

A Calm Focus

L-Theanine, found in green tea, complements caffeine’s effects by promoting relaxation without sedation. It increases alpha brain waves, which are associated with alert relaxation. When combined with caffeine, the two create a synergistic effect that can improve focus and prevent the caffeine crash.

The Synergy Dose

A typical dose is 200-400 mg, but individual tolerance varies. L-Theanine usually doesn’t have any significant side effects when taken in this range.

Supplement 3: Rhodiola Rosea

Nature’s Stress Buster

Rhodiola Rosea, an adaptogen, has traditionally been used to increase resilience to stress. It fosters a balanced state in the body, which can aid in maintaining focus during challenging or high-pressure tasks.

Adaptogenic Dosage

To see focus-related benefits, a dose of 200-600 mg standardized to 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside is recommended. It’s generally well-tolerated, but high doses may lead to agitation in some individuals.

Supplement 4: Bacopa Monnieri

The Memory Booster

Bacopa Monnieri, an herb used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, is known for its ability to enhance memory and reduce anxiety. Studies suggest it does so by modulating brain chemicals involved in learning and memory processes, indirectly improving focus.

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Focus

A dose of 300-450 mg of standard extract containing 55% bacosides can improve focus. As with many supplements, it may cause mild digestive issues in some people.

Supplement 5: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Brain Fuel

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are crucial for brain health. They play a key role in the structure and function of the brain, supporting optimal cognitive function, which translates to improved focus.

The Fish Oil Focus

To support focus, a dosage of 1000 mg combined EPA and DHA is recommended. Consuming Omega-3 from dietary sources is also vital for overall health and cognitive function.


Focus is an attribute highly sought after in our multitasking world. While there’s no magic pill to solve the focus conundrum, supplements can play a role in supporting our ability to concentrate. Caffeine, L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Bacopa Monnieri, and Omega-3 fatty acids are just a few of the options available, each with its unique way of fostering attention.

When considering supplements for focus, it’s important to remember that they are just one piece of the puzzle. A well-rounded approach, including a healthy diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and effective stress management, is essential. Further, before adding any supplements, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure they’re appropriate for you and won’t interact with any existing conditions or medications.

Incorporating these focus-enhancing supplements wisely in conjunction with a balanced lifestyle might just be the edge you need to stay sharp and on-task, especially when the demands on your attention are at their peak. Remember, focus is not about doing more, but about doing the right things with precision and clarity. Choose your supplements with caution, embark on this journey to laser-like focus, and don’t forget to enjoy the enhanced productivity and peace of mind that follows.

Want more? Check out this article on how to Boost Brain Health 


Iron is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the body. It’s an essential component in the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to various parts of the body. Iron deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency that affects millions of people worldwide, particularly women. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss everything to know about iron deficiency, including its signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency include:
1. Fatigue
2. Dizziness and lightheadedness
3. Shortness of breath
4. Cold hands and feet
5. Pale skin color
6. Fast or irregular heartbeat
7. Brittle nails
8. Cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as dirt or ice (pica)
9. Headache, leg cramps, restless legs or tingling in the legs
10. Poor appetite


Iron deficiency is a common nutritional disorder that can occur due to various factors, including inadequate dietary intake, increased iron losses, malabsorption, and increased iron demand. Here are some real-world examples of how lifestyle factors and disease states can lead to iron deficiency:
  1. Inadequate dietary intake: A diet lacking in iron-rich foods can often lead to iron deficiency. This is particularly true for vegetarians and vegans who may not consume enough iron-rich plant-based foods. Also, infants and young children who are not receiving adequate iron through their diet may develop iron deficiency.
  2. Increased iron losses due to bleeding: Women are more susceptible to iron deficiency due to menstrual blood loss, which can result in a loss of 30-40 milliliters of blood per cycle, leading to iron depletion and anemia if not compensated by adequate iron intake.
  3. Malabsorption: Certain medical conditions such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and gastric bypass surgery can interfere with the absorption of iron from food, leading to iron deficiency.
  4. Increased iron demand during pregnancy: Pregnant women require higher levels of iron to support the growth and development of the fetus. Failure to meet these demands can lead to iron deficiency and anemia in pregnant women.
  5. Blood loss due to injury or surgery: Blood loss due to injury or surgery can lead to iron deficiency anemia, especially if the individual has inadequate iron stores.


Treatment for iron deficiency includes dietary changes and iron supplements. Iron-rich foods include lean meat, seafood, fortified cereals, and leafy green vegetables. Iron supplements can help increase iron levels in the body. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider, as excessive iron intake can be harmful. Occasionally, sever iron deficiency may require an intravenous infusion.
There are many different iron supplements to choose from. Guidance under a Naturopathic Doctor or Nutritionist can help direct an informed decision. In my experience a heme iron polypeptide is best tolerated.
Recommendation: NFH Heme Iron SAP


The best way to prevent iron deficiency is by consuming an adequate amount of iron-rich foods. Some iron-rich foods include lean meats, fish, eggs, fortified cereals, beans, lentils, tofu, and nuts. It is important to include these foods in one’s diet to maintain healthy iron levels in the body.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the recommended daily allowance of iron for women aged 19-50 is 18 milligrams per day. During pregnancy, the recommended daily allowance increases to 27 milligrams. It is important to note that too much iron can also be harmful, so it is essential to consult a healthcare provider before taking any iron supplements.
Another way to increase the absorption of iron in the body is by consuming vitamin-C rich foods, such as citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, and tomatoes. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron, which is the type of iron found in plant-based foods and no heme based iron supplements.
It is also a good idea to have iron levels checked regularly by your physician or naturopath. This is especially important for women during their menstrual years.


Iron deficiency can be a serious condition, but it’s preventable and treatable. Have your iron level checked regularly and If you experience any signs of iron deficiency, it is important to seek medical attention. You can increase your iron levels through dietary changes and iron supplements. Understanding the importance of iron in our body is vital, particularly for women who are more susceptible to iron deficiency. By raising awareness about iron deficiency, we can safeguard our health and improve our quality of life.



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