
In the complex realm of cancer care, the quest for effective treatments and supportive care modalities is relentless. But for an endeavor so vital, there’s an ongoing discourse that questions the conventional approach to oncology in North America. The discussion revolves around a seemingly overlooked corner of medical practice that has captivated the interest, if not the acceptance, of a growing number of patients and health enthusiasts – Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). This divergent model offers a spectrum of therapies, ranging from herbal remedies to meditation, and with the maturation of its applications worldwide, one cannot help but ask: why haven’t these benefits permeated the core of North American oncology?

Understanding Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

CAM encompasses treatments and healing practices outside of mainstream healthcare. This includes traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Chiropractic and more. The roots of CAM are diverse, spanning centuries and continents. In juxtaposition to the high-tech and pharmacologically dominant healthcare of North America, CAM often relies on natural materials and centuries-old practices. Yet, modern CAM therapies are integrated with a level of sophistication that is constantly evolving. In several parts of the world, such as in Asia and parts of Europe, CAM is not merely an eccentric affix but a fundamental component of healthcare delivery, recognized and regulated accordingly.

The Current Landscape of Oncology Care in North America

When it comes to cancer care, the North American healthcare system predominantly defaults to what is perceived as the gold standard – surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. These modalities have made significant strides in improving survival rates for many cancer types, but they often come with a spectrum of side effects that can challenge a patient’s day-to-day life. There’s a growing understanding that cancer care should not be solely about treating the disease but also about enhancing the quality of life during the patient’s cancer journey.

Why CAM is Not Widely Embraced in North American Oncology

The relative absence of CAM in conventional North American oncology practices can be attributed to a multitude of reasons. Historically, orthodox medicine has been on a conquest to institutionalize a more standardized approach with an emphasis on scientific rigour and evidence-based practice. This quest, while invaluable in ensuring the safety and efficacy of treatments, has been somewhat exclusionary towards CAM, which often lacks the same level of randomized controlled trials and mechanistic understanding that typifies traditional Western medicine. Regulatory barriers also play a significant role, with CAM products and practices typically falling outside the purview of the FDA and similar regulatory bodies, leading to concerns about safety and efficacy.

The Potential Benefits of Integrating CAM with Conventional Oncology

Despite the barriers, there is a burgeoning body of evidence that suggests certain CAM modalities could play a supportive role in cancer care. These can include managing treatment side effects, addressing mental health concerns, improving well-being, and possibly even influencing the efficacy of conventional treatments. For example, acupuncture has shown promise in alleviating chemotherapy-induced nausea, while yoga and meditation can aid in reducing stress and anxiety, which are often elevated in cancer patients.

Learn more about integrative cancer care HERE

Overcoming Barriers to Integration

Moving towards a more integrated model of oncology is not without its hurdles, but progress can be made with a holistic approach. This would require bridging the knowledge and practice of CAM with that of conventional oncology, fostering open communication channels, and galvanizing collaborative efforts. Legislative and educational reforms could serve to demystify CAM, addressing patient safety and ensuring well-informed decision-making. Increased funding for research into CAM’s applications in oncology is also crucial, to solidify a scientific foundation on which to build integrative care models.

Patient Empowerment and Informed Decision Making

In an era where patient autonomy and shared decision-making are increasingly valued, information is key. It’s essential that patients are equipped with resources to understand the potential benefits and risks of CAM, should they choose to explore such avenues in their cancer care. A harmonious dialogue with healthcare providers, who are often the gatekeepers to medical options, can enhance patient empowerment and personalize the healing process.


The integration of CAM with conventional oncology care presents an opportunity to elevate the standard of cancer care in North America. While the path to such integration may be fraught with challenges, the end goal – to provide comprehensive, patient-centred care that optimizes health and well-being – is one that should merit collective exploration. By fostering a culture of openness, rigorous inquiry, and patient-centric care, we can aspire to a healthcare landscape that respects tradition while leveraging innovation to its fullest.

It’s time to ask bold questions and seek innovative solutions that accommodate the shifting perspectives and needs of those we serve. North America has the expertise and the will to innovate in its approach to health care. By working to integrate CAM with conventional oncology, we stand to better serve and support the individuals and families facing cancer, not only with the arsenal of modern medicine but with all the tools that history and culture have bequeathed.

Check out more articles on integrative approaches to cancer


Understanding Estrogen Dominance and Corrective Measures

In the grand symphony of human health, hormones are the conductors, directing every system, cell, and function. Amidst these crucial messengers, estrogen stands as a prime influencer, dictating the orchestration of the female body’s development and maintenance. But when this estrogen takes centre stage excessively, a condition known as ‘estrogen dominance’ can throw the health harmony into disarray.

This comprehensive guide dives into the intricacies of estrogen dominance, its impact, and the corrective measures that can reset the hormonal balance for a healthier, harmonious life.

Defining Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is a term used to describe a hormonal imbalance where the levels of estrogen in the body exceed the optimal ratio to progesterone levels, leading to an imbalance between these two primary female sex hormones. While estrogen is crucial for the reproductive system’s growth and maintenance, an overload of this hormone relative to progesterone can lead to various health problems, particularly affecting women of reproductive age.

Identifying Estrogen Dominance

The body provides distinct cues when hormonal equilibrium is disrupted. Signs of estrogen dominance can range from irregular menstrual cycles to more pronounced symptoms like:

  • Increased PMS symptoms
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Weight gain, particularly around the hips and thighs
  • Menstrual problems like heavy bleeding or missed periods
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Insomnia (especially premenstrually)

Lifestyle Factors and Causes

Understanding what leads to estrogen dominance is as vital as recognizing its symptoms. Several factors can tip the hormonal scales, including:


Consuming a diet high in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and low in fibre can contribute to high estrogen levels. Processed foods with added hormones and antibiotics can further exacerbate the issue.


Chronic stress triggers the production of cortisol, throwing off the delicate balance of the endocrine system, which manages hormone levels.

Environmental Influences

Common household products may contain xenoestrogens, synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of natural estrogen, thereby increasing the body’s estrogen load.

Impact on Health

Estrogen dominance doesn’t merely affect reproductive health; it can also have far-reaching impacts, influencing:


The fine-tuned balance between estrogen and progesterone is critical for reproductive health, influencing the chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Mental Health

Studies link estrogen dominance to an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and in severe cases, cognitive decline and disorders like Alzheimer’s.

Cardiovascular Health

High levels of estrogen are associated with an elevated risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.

Corrective Measures

The good news is that estrogen dominance is often manageable, and in some cases, reversible. These corrective measures can help restore hormonal balance:

Dietary Changes

Adjusting your diet to include more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts can support the liver in metabolizing estrogen effectively.


Regular physical activity can decrease the levels of circulating estrogen by influencing how estrogen is metabolized in the body.

Stress Management

Incorporating stress reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature can help lower cortisol levels and restore hormonal equilibrium.


Certain supplements such as DIM (Diindolylmethane) and Calcium-D-Glucarate can aid in the detoxification and elimination of excess estrogen from the body.

Natural Remedies

Nature has provided an array of tools to address hormonal imbalances. Natural remedies include:


Herbs like chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) have been used for centuries to support reproductive health and hormone balance.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils, such as clary sage and thyme, are believed to have hormone-regulating effects when used aromatically or topically (diluted with a carrier oil).

Lifestyle Adjustments

Simple lifestyle tweaks like using natural personal care products, drinking from glass or stainless steel containers to avoid chemicals, and regularly practicing stress-reducing activities can make a significant difference.

Professional Interventions

When natural remedies and lifestyle changes are insufficient, professional interventions may be necessary:

Medical Treatments

Certain medications, such as bio-identical hormone replacement therapies (BHRT), can help regulate menstrual cycles and manage symptoms associated with estrogen dominance. There are various forms of hormone replacement therapy, some safer than others. A hormone replacement program needs to be tailored to the needs of each individual patient and therefore should be discussed with your healthcare professional.

Hormone Testing

Comprehensive hormone testing can provide invaluable insights into your estrogen-progesterone balance, guiding physicians in developing an appropriate treatment plan.


Hormonal balance, particularly that of estrogen and progesterone, is foundational to female health. Estrogen dominance is a common but often under-recognized disruptor of this harmony. By understanding the signs, causes, and corrective measures detailed in this post, women can take proactive steps towards reclaiming their hormonal equilibrium.

Be proactive about your hormonal health. Conduct routine self-assessments, seek professional guidance when needed, and be mindful of the factors that can influence your estrogen levels. Establishing and maintaining hormonal harmony is a pathway to a life where every element of your being, from fertility to mental and cardiovascular health, operates in tune with your natural rhythm.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages, causing significant emotional distress and damaging their relationships with their partners. The causes of ED range from physical to psychological, and conventional treatments like medications and surgery may come with unwanted side effects. However, many men are turning to natural, non-invasive, and effective naturopathic solutions that address the root causes of ED and restore their sexual function. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes and cures of ED from a naturopathic perspective and provide you with practical tips that can improve your sexual health and overall wellness.

Understanding the Causes of ED: Naturopathic Approach

One of the primary causes of ED is poor blood flow to the penis, which may result from cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. Therefore, a naturopathic approach to ED involves improving blood flow through lifestyle changes, such as exercising, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and following a healthy diet that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Additionally, naturopathic practitioners may recommend supplements like ginkgo biloba, L-arginine, and niacin, which are known to boost blood flow, decrease inflammation, and improve endothelial function.

Another potential cause of ED is hormonal imbalances, especially low levels of testosterone, which is responsible for male sexual drive and performance. Naturopathic solutions for hormonal imbalances may include lifestyle changes, such as increasing physical activity, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress levels, as well as supplements like Tribulus terrestris and Tongkat Ali, which are natural testosterone boosters. Moreover, certain foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate are rich in zinc, which supports healthy testosterone levels.

For more articles on hormonal health Click Here

Addressing Psychological Causes of ED: Naturopathic Methods

ED may also have psychological causes, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship problems. Naturopathic practitioners view mental health as an essential aspect of overall wellness, and they may suggest various approaches to address psychological factors that contribute to ED. Some of these methods include:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps patients identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours that interfere with sexual function,
  2. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which teaches patients how to manage stress and anxiety through meditation and breathing techniques
  3. Couples therapy, which aims to improve communication and intimacy between partners.
Check out 4 CBT based steps for overcoming ED Here

Herbal Remedies for ED: Naturopathic Alternatives

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat various sexual dysfunctions, and many of them have been shown to be effective for ED. Some of the most commonly used herbs for ED include Panax ginseng, Maca root, horny goat weed, and ashwagandha. These herbs have different mechanisms of action, such as improving blood flow, increasing libido, and reducing stress. However, it’s important to note that herbal remedies may interact with medications or have unwanted side effects if not used correctly, so it’s essential to consult with a licensed naturopathic practitioner before trying them.

Acupuncture and Other Naturopathic Therapies for ED

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting hair-thin needles into specific points of the body to balance energy flow and promote healing. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective for various sexual dysfunctions, including ED, by improving blood flow, reducing stress, and balancing hormones. Other naturopathic therapies that may benefit ED include chiropractic care, massage therapy, and hydrotherapy, which may enhance blood flow and relaxation.

For more articles on optimizing virility Click Here

Naturopathic Acupuncture for Anxiety, Stress and Depression


Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent and treatable condition that affects men of all ages. Naturopathic solutions for ED involve a holistic approach that addresses the underlying causes of ED, such as poor blood flow, hormonal imbalances, and psychological factors, through lifestyle changes, supplements, herbal remedies, and various therapies. Naturopathic treatments for ED are non-invasive, safe, and effective, and they may provide long-lasting results that improve overall sexual health and wellbeing. If you’re struggling with ED, consider consulting with a licensed naturopathic practitioner to create a personalized treatment plan that works for you.


Men today face many challenges when it comes to their health. From stress and pollution to poor diets and sedentary lifestyles, many factors can contribute to a decline in overall health and well-being. One area where men can be proactive is in optimizing virility and longevity. Naturopathic medicine offers many solutions that can help men achieve optimal health in these areas. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best ways to optimize virility and longevity using naturopathic medicine.

The Power of Diet and Exercise

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can play an imperative role in maintaining men’s health and well-being. The current health statistics for men reveal some alarming figures, highlighting the urgent need for a healthier lifestyle.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 13.8% of men aged 18 and over were in fair or poor health as of 2022. Moreover, 350,000 men lose their lives to cardiovascular disease each year, and men are 1.5 times more likely to die of heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disease.

The Impact of Diet

A healthy diet is a cornerstone of good health. In particular, the Mediterranean diet and intermittent fasting have shown promising results in improving men’s health.

The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins, has been linked to lower levels of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and cognitive decline. Intermittent fasting, a pattern of eating that includes periods of eating and fasting, has been associated with weight loss, improved markers of health, and longevity.

Implementing these diets in everyday life might seem challenging at first, but with careful planning and commitment, it can become second nature. Start small, make gradual changes, and be consistent.

The Power of Exercise

Physical activity is equally important for men’s health. Regular exercise helps control weight, reduces the risk of heart diseases, manages blood sugar and insulin levels, improves mental health, and strengthens bones and muscles.

Men should aim for at least 180 minutes of moderate-intensity (Zone 2) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity (Zone 3-4) aerobic activity per week, along with strength training exercises on two or more days a week. Incorporating cardiovascular workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises can provide comprehensive fitness benefits.

What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Learn more about the benefits of daily stretching

The Synergy of Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise are not mutually exclusive; they work best when combined. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, which is crucial for overall health. At the same time, a balanced diet provides the nutrients your body needs to perform physical activity.

The importance of diet and exercise cannot be overstated for improving men’s overall health and well-being. By adopting healthier eating habits and incorporating regular physical activity into daily routines, men can significantly improve their health statistics. It’s never too late to start making healthier choices!


The Role of Hormones

As a naturopathic doctor, I’ve observed that maintaining hormonal balance is a cornerstone of men’s health, vitality, and longevity. Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, and many others play a pivotal role in regulating various aspects of male health, including sexual function, energy levels, muscle mass, and bone density. However, imbalances in these hormones can lead to a plethora of health issues. Let’s delve deeper into understanding these imbalances and how we can naturally enhance virility and longevity.

Common Hormonal Imbalances in Men

Hormonal imbalances are not uncommon in men and can result in symptoms such as fatigue, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, and decreased bone density.

Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, is vital for libido, muscle mass, and bone density. A decline in testosterone levels can lead to fatigue, reduced sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction.

Estrogen, although known as a female hormone, also plays a crucial role in men’s health. Excessive levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain, mood swings, and even contribute to erectile dysfunction.

DHEA is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands and acts as a precursor to sex hormones, including testosterone. A decrease in DHEA levels can lead to fatigue, depression, and a gradual loss of endurance and muscular strength.

Check out this article on hormone testing

Enhancing Hormonal Health Naturally

To maintain optimal hormonal health, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and smart lifestyle choices are key. Here are some tips to help you on this journey:

Nutrition: Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your daily regimen can significantly impact your hormonal health. Zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial. They support testosterone production, improve sleep (which in turn aids hormone regulation), enhance mood, and boost overall health.

Exercise: Regular physical activity, particularly resistance and high-intensity interval training, can stimulate hormone production and help maintain muscle mass and bone density.

Avoid Harmful Habits: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can adversely affect your hormonal balance. It’s best to limit these habits to promote better hormonal health.

Stress Management: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your hormonal balance. Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.

Vitamin D


Many natural supplements can help men optimize their health and increase their longevity. Some of the most effective supplements for men include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, creatine, and adaptogens. These supplements can help to support healthy immune function, improve heart health, boost energy levels, and promote healthy hormone balance.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that have been shown to have numerous health benefits. They are particularly beneficial for heart health, reducing inflammation, and even supporting cognitive function. A systematic review published in the British Medical Journal revealed that omega-3 fatty acids could lower mortality rates and risks associated with cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin D: Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and immune function. It aids in the absorption of calcium, which can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis, a common concern as men age.

Zinc: This mineral is vital for men as it plays a significant role in testosterone production. Adequate zinc levels can help maintain optimal testosterone levels, thereby promoting virility.

Magnesium: Known for its multiple health benefits, magnesium can support healthy sleep patterns, muscle function, and mood – all of which contribute to overall vitality and longevity.

Creatine: Creatine is a well-researched supplement known for its ability to improve strength and lean muscle mass. It can be particularly beneficial for aging men looking to preserve muscle mass.

Adaptogens: Adaptogens are a unique class of healing plants that have been used for centuries to help balance, restore, and protect the body. They can help the body resist physical, chemical, or biological stresses, thereby boosting overall health and well-being.

Stress Management

Stress is a major contributor to poor health, and it can have a negative impact on everything from sleep quality and immune function to hormonal balance and cardiovascular health. Naturopathic medicine offers many solutions for managing stress, including:

Relaxation Techniques: Methods such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese technique, involving the insertion of very thin needles through the skin at specific points on your body, has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Infusion Therapy: Infusion therapy, which involves delivering substances directly into the bloodstream, can be used to administer nutrients and vitamins that support the body’s stress response.

Natural Supplements: Certain natural supplements, like ashwagandha and magnesium, have been shown to help manage stress. Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, can help the body resist stressors and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Magnesium plays a role in regulating the body’s stress-response system and is often used as a natural remedy for anxiety.

When it comes to optimizing virility and longevity, men have many options available to them. Naturopathic medicine offers a holistic approach to wellness that can help men achieve optimal health in these areas. By focusing on key areas like diet and exercise, hormone health, supplementation and stress management, men can take control of their health and achieve optimal virility and longevity for years to come. Consult with a trained naturopathic doctor to learn more about the best ways to optimize your health naturally.


Have you ever seen those circular bruises on the back of athletes’ shoulders and wondered how they got there? Chances are, they’re the result of a practice known as cupping. Cupping therapy is an age-old form of alternative medicine, originating from ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures. The practice involves creating suction on the skin using cups, which pulls the skin upwards and increases blood flow to the area. This is believed to help mobilize blood flow, promoting healing and relieving muscle tension.

There are various types of cupping therapy, each with its unique benefits and applications. In this article, we’ll delve into three main types: flame cupping, vacuum cupping, and sliding cupping. We’ll explore their characteristics, benefits, scientific research backing their effectiveness, and the potential risks involved.

Flame Cupping

Flame cupping, also known as fire cupping, is the traditional method of cupping therapy. It involves soaking a cotton ball in alcohol, setting it alight, and then placing it inside a glass cup. The fire consumes the oxygen inside the cup, creating a vacuum as it cools, which causes the cup to stick to the skin and draw it upwards.

Research suggests that flame cupping can assist in pain management, inflammation reduction, and promote relaxation. A study published in PLoS ONE found that patients with chronic neck pain reported significant pain relief after undergoing flame cupping therapy.

However, there are risks associated with flame cupping, including burns, skin infection, and temporary skin discolouration. Therefore, it’s crucial to have this procedure performed by a trained professional.

Naturopathic Pain Management Cupping

Vacuum Cupping

Vacuum cupping, also called mechanical or suction cupping, uses a hand-held pump to create the suction effect instead of heat. This method offers more control over the amount of suction and will avoid the potential to cause burns.

Research indicates that vacuum cupping can be beneficial for conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic back pain. A systematic review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that vacuum cupping significantly reduced pain in people with fibromyalgia compared to no treatment.

While vacuum cupping is generally safer than flame cupping, potential side effects include bruising, discomfort during the procedure, and minor skin irritation.

Slide Cupping

Slide cupping, or moving cupping, involves applying oil to the skin, creating suction in the cup, and then sliding the cup around the affected area. This technique is often used for treating large muscle groups and is particularly popular among athletes for recovery.

A study in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine reported that slide cupping could improve range of motion and decrease perceived muscle soreness in athletes.

Slide cupping shares similar risks with the other types, including possible skin irritation and discolouration.

How it works

The primary goal of cupping therapy is to enhance circulation, help relieve pain, remove “heat,” and pull out the toxins that linger in your body’s tissues. It’s believed that the suction from the cups lifts the skin and underlying tissues, leading to increased blood and lymph flow. This fresh influx of blood nourishes and repairs the targeted area, promoting healing and relaxation.

From a scientific perspective, cupping therapy may improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and activate the immune system. The vacuum created by the cup stimulates the nervous system, which can increase blood circulation and reduce pain.


Several studies suggest that cupping therapy may be beneficial for a variety of health conditions:

  1. Chronic Pain: A systematic review of 135 studies found evidence that cupping therapy can effectively reduce chronic neck and lower back pain.
  2. Cardiovascular Diseases: Some researchers suggest that cupping could help manage cardiovascular diseases by improving blood flow. However, more research is needed in this area.
  3. Respiratory Diseases: Cupping is traditionally used in the treatment of respiratory diseases like the common cold, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Scientific evidence supporting this use is limited but growing.
  4. Skin Diseases: Anecdotal evidence suggests that cupping may help with acne, herpes zoster, and other skin diseases. More rigorous studies are needed to confirm these effects.

It’s worth noting that cupping has been associated with some risks, particularly when done without proper training or hygiene. The most common side effects include bruising, skin irritation, and mild discomfort. More serious complications, such as infections or bleeding, are relatively rare but can occur, particularly with wet cupping. Additionally, cupping is not recommended for everyone, particularly pregnant women, people with bleeding disorders, or people taking blood thinners.

Check out more Naturopathic solutions to chronic pain Here


Cupping is an ancient therapy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions, but it remains a relatively mysterious and controversial practice in the West. While cupping has been associated with some potential benefits, including pain relief, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and effectiveness. Additionally, cupping does carry some risks, particularly when done without proper training or hygiene. If you’re considering cupping as a therapy, it’s important to do your research and work with a qualified practitioner to ensure safety and effectiveness.

For more information on Cupping Click Here


Cancer is a serious health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Its treatment options have come a long way in recent years. One of the latest and most promising developments in cancer treatment is intravenous vitamin C therapy. Intravenous vitamin C uses high-dose vitamin C to target cancer cells and improve overall health. In this blog post, we will explore how intravenous vitamin C therapy works, its effectiveness as monotherapy and combined treatment for cancer, and possible side effects.

How does it work?

First, let’s explore how intravenous vitamin C therapy works. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties that help protect the body from oxidative stress and damage. In high doses, vitamin C produces hydrogen peroxide, which can damage cancer cells, leading to their destruction. This process is known as oxidative stress. High doses of vitamin C also helps to support the immune system, assisting the body in fighting cancer cells. The intravenous method is preferred over oral vitamin C because it allows for higher doses to be administered directly into the bloodstream.

Intravenous vitamin C therapy has been used both as monotherapy and combined treatment for cancer. As a monotherapy, it helps to slow or inhibit cancer cell growth. In some cases, it has been shown to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. In addition, intravenous vitamin C therapy can improve the overall quality of life by reducing fatigue, nausea, and other common side effects associated with cancer treatment. When used in combination with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, intravenous vitamin C therapy has been shown, in many cases, to enhance their effectiveness. It can also reduce the severity of some of their side effects, making it a useful complementary therapy. However, vitamin C can interact with some chemotherapeutic agents, so it is important to consult with a specialist such as a parenteral therapy certified naturopathic doctor.

Safety and Effectiveness of IVC

A study published on CMAJ highlighted three cases where high-dose IVC was administered as cancer therapy. Despite declining systemic chemotherapy, the patients demonstrated improved health conditions post-treatment, suggesting that IVC can be a safe and effective standalone treatment method.

Another study, published in Frontiers in Oncology, focused on the effects of IVC on cancer- and chemotherapy-related fatigue and quality of life. The study reported an improvement in patients’ quality of life, further underscoring IVC’s potential benefits.

Intravenous Vitamin C Administration Improves Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients

A retrospective, multicenter study published in In Vivo showed that IVC administration improved the quality of life of breast cancer patients during chemo-/radiotherapy and aftercare. However, the study reported no effect on tumour status after 6 months of IVC administration.

Dosages, Treatment Procedure, and Side Effects

In a phase I-II clinical trial involving IVC combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy, it was observed that the concentration of vitamin C increased post-chemotherapy without a significant increase in urinary oxalic acid excretion, suggesting that higher dosages might be safely administered.

While these studies highlight the potential benefits of IVC, they also underscore the importance of understanding the possible side effects. For instance, a systematic review of IVC and cancer reported that some patients experienced mild side effects such as dry mouth and lightheadedness.

Combination with Standard Chemotherapy

The potential of IVC to enhance the effectiveness of standard chemotherapy has been explored in several studies. The study published on BioMed Central highlighted the multi-targeting effects of IVC when administered intravenously, suggesting that it could be a potent anti-cancer agent.


Intravenous vitamin C therapy is a promising treatment option for cancer patients. Its effectiveness as both a monotherapy and combined treatment option has been well documented. It offers few side effects, making it a safe option for those undergoing cancer treatment. While it is not a cure for cancer, it offers hope and assistance to those in search of complementary treatment options. If you or someone you know is facing cancer, talk to a medical professional about intravenous vitamin C therapy and its potential benefits as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

For more information on intravenous therapy Click Here


In the wake of the pandemic, many of us find ourselves living in unprecedented times that have altered our daily routines and disrupted our sense of normalcy. With the pandemic came educational uncertainties, financial insecurity, and health issues, among other things. It’s safe to say we are all feeling an unbearable amount of stress, especially with the current situation in the middle east. But don’t worry, stress is entirely normal—even healthy—it’s how we react to it that matters. Today, we’re going to discuss some proven ways to manage physical, mental, and emotional stress.

Supplements for Rock Climbing

Exercise Regularly

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, neurotransmitters in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. These are often referred to as ‘feel-good’ hormones because they can induce feelings of happiness and relaxation. Additionally, regular exercise improves your overall mood and serves as a natural way to manage anxiety and depression.

Physical activity also influences the body’s stress response system. It reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Regular exercise increases the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), especially in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that plays a crucial role in stress regulation.

Moreover, exercising regularly helps to improve sleep quality, enhance self-confidence, and increase relaxation, all of which are beneficial in managing stress levels.

Evaluating Different Types of Exercise

From aerobic exercises like running and cycling to resistance training like weight lifting, and calming practices like yoga and tai chi, different forms of exercise have been found to provide stress-relieving benefits. While high-intensity workouts may help to rapidly reduce stress hormones, low-intensity activities such as walking or stretching can also be effective, particularly for those new to exercise or with physical disabilities.

Frequency and Duration of Exercise

While any amount of exercise is better than none, the American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week for optimal health benefits. Consistency is key; it’s better to exercise regularly throughout the week than to condense all activity into one or two days.

Positive impacts on stress levels can be noticed within just five minutes of aerobic exercise. However, the reduction in anxiety and improvement in mood may be most noticeable about an hour after exercising, often referred to as the ‘exercise afterglow’.

Practical Advice

The key to reaping the stress-reducing benefits of exercise is to make it a part of your daily routine. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Start small: If you’re new to exercise, start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as your fitness level improves.
  • Choose activities you enjoy: You’re more likely to stick to an exercise routine if you love what you’re doing. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or practicing yoga, choose something that makes you happy.
  • Mix it up: Varying your workouts can prevent boredom and keep you motivated. Try combining cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises throughout the week.
  • Make it social: Exercising with a friend or group can make the activity more enjoyable and provide a sense of community and support.
  • Listen to your body: Rest when you need to and adjust your workout plan to fit your needs and capabilities.

Light Therapy

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that involves focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.

Mindfulness is all about being fully engaged in the here and now. It’s about paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judging them as good or bad. When you practice mindfulness, you’re not trying to achieve a certain state or feeling. Instead, you’re simply observing and accepting what is happening in the present moment.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Research indicates that practicing mindfulness regularly can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve sleep, increase focus and concentration, and enhance overall well-being. Physically, mindfulness can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Your 10-Minute Daily Mindfulness Protocol

1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a spot where you won’t be disturbed for the next 10 minutes.

2. Sit Comfortably: You can sit on a chair or cushion on the floor, keeping your back straight but relaxed. Rest your hands on your lap.

3. Close Your Eyes: This can help limit visual distractions and make it easier to focus.

4. Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to the sensation of your breath coming in and going out. Notice how your chest rises and falls, and how the air feels as it enters and leaves your nostrils.

5. Observe Your Thoughts: If your mind starts to wander, that’s okay. That’s just what minds do. Simply notice that your mind has wandered, without judgment or frustration, and gently bring your attention back to your breath.

6. End Your Session: After 10 minutes, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to notice how you feel before getting up.

Incorporating Mindfulness Into Your Daily Routine

Mindfulness isn’t just for meditation – you can practice it throughout your day:

  • Mindful Eating: Pay attention to the taste, texture, and smell of your food. Notice how it feels as you chew and swallow.
  • Mindful Walking: Focus on the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your steps, and the feeling of the air against your skin.
  • Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments throughout your day to focus solely on your breath.

Further Resources

To deepen your understanding of mindfulness, consider these resources:

  • Books: “Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn, “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh.
  • Apps: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer offer guided meditations and mindfulness exercises.
  • Courses: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program is an eight-week course that’s highly recognized in the field of mindfulness.

Remember, the key to mindfulness is regular practice. It might feel strange or difficult at first, but with time, you’ll start to experience the benefits. Happy practicing!

Reach Out to Friends and Family

Studies reveal that social support can significantly decrease stress hormones and inflammation in the body, and lower blood pressure and heart rate. Frequent communication with loved ones can help reduce any isolation or loneliness, bring an outside, and provide a much-needed emotional support system. Social support can aid recovery from stress, particularly emotional stress.

Kids nutrition

Eating Healthy

Proper diet and nutrition play a crucial role in maintaining mental health, and they can significantly help in reducing and preventing common mental health issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety. A balanced diet rich in certain nutrients can aid in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Some of the key nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, which are known for their brain-boosting properties. B vitamins, particularly B12 and folate, are essential for brain function and can be found in foods like eggs, meat, leafy greens, and beans. Complex carbohydrates, found in whole grains and vegetables, can help regulate blood sugar and mood. Also, proteins rich in amino acid tryptophan, such as turkey, eggs, and cheese, support the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that aids in maintaining mood balance.

On the other hand, foods and drinks high in processed sugars, caffeine, and alcohol should be avoided as they can spike blood sugar levels and may exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress.

The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, has been associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety. This diet emphasizes the consumption of nutrient-dense, whole foods that provide steady energy and a wide range of nutrients, supporting overall brain health.

Research indicates a strong correlation between diet and mental health. For instance, a study published in the “American Journal of Psychiatry” found that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean protein, and fish was associated with a reduced risk of depression.

In addition to a balanced diet, lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can further enhance mental health. Remember, professional help is crucial when dealing with mental health issues, and dietary changes should complement, not replace, professional treatment.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is not only a basic need but also a vital component for maintaining good mental health. It acts as a natural stress-reliever and plays a crucial role in reducing anxiety, depression, and stress levels.

When we sleep, our bodies enter a state of restoration where they repair muscles, consolidate memories, and release hormones that regulate growth and appetite. This restorative process directly affects our mood, cognitive function, and overall mental health.

Scientifically, sleep deprivation can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect both our minds and bodies. Lack of sleep disrupts the balance of key hormones, including cortisol, serotonin, and dopamine, all of which play significant roles in regulating mood. For instance, increased cortisol levels can lead to heightened stress, while imbalances in serotonin and dopamine can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.

Sleep is divided into several stages, including REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM stages. During these stages, particularly REM sleep, our brains are active and working on repairing brain cells, consolidating memories, and regulating mood. Disruptions in these sleep stages can lead to mood disorders and impaired cognitive function.

To harness the benefits of sleep for mental health, it’s important to implement healthy sleep habits. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Reduce screen time before bed as the blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Make your sleep environment comfortable, quiet, and dark to promote better sleep quality.

For more Naturopathic tips on establishing healthy sleep Click Here


Everyone experiences stress in their daily life, but it’s essential to learn how to cope with it effectively when it seems to become overwhelming. This doesn’t mean you should avoid stress entirely, but instead, focus on creating strategies to manage the negative effects it has on your physical, emotional, and mental health. The above-listed techniques can drastically improve your overall wellbeing in stressful times. Remember, managing stress is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Experiment with different methods and see what works best for you. Whatever steps you take, remember to prioritize your wellbeing and give yourself the time and space needed to take care of yourself.


Hormones play a crucial role in the overall function of the body and can impact everything from mood and energy levels to sex drive and weight management. In men, testosterone levels tend to decline with age, while women experience fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle and menopause. It’s important for both men and women to have their hormone levels checked before the age of 50, and here’s why.

Detect and Prevent Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances can occur at any age, but they are more likely to occur as people enter their 40s and 50s. By having hormone levels checked regularly, potential imbalances can be detected early on and appropriate interventions can be taken, such as hormone replacement therapy or lifestyle changes. Hormone imbalances can cause a range of health issues, including weight gain, infertility, low libido, fatigue, and more. One common hormonal imbalance is estrogen dominance, which can be treated effectively without pharmaceutical intervention.

For more on hormone balance click HERE

Encourage Preventive Care

Having hormone levels checked before the age of 50 can encourage individuals to prioritize preventive care. This means that they can work closely with healthcare providers to establish a wellness plan that includes everything from regular screenings and check-ups to diet and exercise. By prioritizing preventive care, people can ensure their body’s hormone levels are balanced, promoting overall health and well-being.

Address Age-Related Symptoms

As people approach their 50s, they may experience age-related symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, or erectile dysfunction. In some cases, these symptoms may be related to hormone imbalances, and so it’s important to have hormone levels checked regularly. If hormone imbalances are identified, treatment can be prescribed to help alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

Improve Bone Density

In women, estrogen levels decline during menopause, which can lead to a decrease in bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Men also experience a decline in bone density as they age due to lower testosterone levels. By having hormone levels checked regularly, individuals can become aware of decreased bone density early on, and can take steps to prevent bone loss and reduce their risk of osteoporosis, such as getting regular exercise, consuming calcium and vitamin D, and taking hormone replacement therapy if needed.

Promote Emotional Well-Being

Hormone imbalances can impact not only physical health but emotional health as well. In women, fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause mood swings, irritability, and anxiety. Low testosterone levels in men can cause depression or irritability. Having hormone levels checked regularly can help to identify potential hormone imbalances that may be contributing to emotional concerns. Appropriate treatment can then be prescribed to help improve emotional well-being.


Having hormone levels checked before the age of 50 is an important component of overall health and wellness for both men and women. It can help to detect and prevent hormone imbalances, encourage preventive care, address age-related symptoms, improve bone density, and promote emotional well-being. By prioritizing regular hormone level checks, individuals can better address potential health issues and work toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Interested in having your hormones checked? Give as a call or book a consultation HERE


Our thyroid gland plays a vital role in our body’s functioning and metabolism. If we experience an abnormality in this gland, it can result in various disorders, including hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where the thyroid gland fails to produce an adequate amount of thyroid hormone. However, subclinical hypothyroidism is an early-stage of hypothyroidism that often goes unnoticed. In this blog post, we will shed light on what subclinical hypothyroidism is, its symptoms, and treatment strategies.

What is Subclinical Hypothyroidism?

In subclinical hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland produces less thyroid hormone than usual, resulting in a slightly elevated TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level. TSH is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in response to the thyroid gland’s hormone levels. It helps in regulating the thyroid hormone production. In subclinical hypothyroidism, the thyroid hormone levels are still within the normal range, although at the lower end. Subclinical hypothyroidism often goes unnoticed as it does not cause any identifiable symptoms.

Symptoms of Subclinical Hypothyroidism

In most cases, subclinical hypothyroidism does not cause any specific symptoms. However, some people may experience subtle signs such as fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and irregular menstrual cycles. These symptoms may not necessarily be related to the thyroid gland, hence making it challenging to diagnose subclinical hypothyroidism.

Treatment Strategies for Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Subclinical hypothyroidism does not always require treatment. However, treatment may be recommended in certain cases, such as when the patient experiences symptoms or if TSH levels are very high. The following are some treatment strategies that are commonly used:

Thyroid Hormone

Both T3 and T4 thyroid hormone can be used to increase the low thyroid hormone levels. It’s essential to follow the doctor’s prescribed dosage as taking more than required can lead to unpleasant side effects.

Lifestyle changes

A healthy lifestyle can have a significant impact on thyroid hormones. Quitting smoking, sticking to a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight can help in managing subclinical hypothyroidism.


As a Naturopathic Doctor, it’s important to highlight the vital role iodine plays in managing subclinical hypothyroidism. Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, growth, and development. In the case of subclinical hypothyroidism, an individual’s thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

The daily recommended intake of iodine for adults is 150 micrograms (mcg). Consuming adequate iodine can help stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, potentially alleviating symptoms of subclinical hypothyroidism. Foods rich in iodine include seaweed, fish, dairy products, and iodized salt. Supplements are also available for those struggling to meet their iodine requirements through diet alone.

Incorporating these iodine-rich foods into one’s diet could be as simple as eating a piece of seaweed as a snack, incorporating fish into meals a couple of times a week, or using iodized salt when cooking. If considering supplements, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider first to ensure safe and beneficial usage.

Iodine improves subclinical hypothyroidism by providing the necessary raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. When the thyroid gland has sufficient iodine, it can produce the right amount of hormones to maintain normal metabolism, thus preventing the progression of subclinical hypothyroidism to overt hypothyroidism and other complications.

However, too much iodine intake can pose health risks, such as iodine-induced hyperthyroidism or goiter. It is therefore important to stick to the recommended daily intake and to consult a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen. Balancing iodine intake can optimize thyroid function and improve overall health, but it needs to be done safely and under professional guidance.

For more on iodine rich foods Click Here

Regular monitoring

Since subclinical hypothyroidism may not cause any symptoms, regularly monitoring TSH levels can help in detecting any changes and taking necessary action.

For more information on when to check your blood Click Here

In conclusion, subclinical hypothyroidism is an early stage of hypothyroidism that often goes unnoticed due to a lack of any symptoms. It is important to have regular health check-ups and blood tests to detect any abnormalities in thyroid hormone levels. If diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism, following a healthy lifestyle and keeping an eye on TSH levels can aid in managing the condition. However, if symptoms arise, it is essential to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.


If you’ve ever experienced a sports injury, car accident, or slip and fall, you know the pain and frustration it can cause. It can take weeks, months, or even years to fully recover from an injury, and sometimes traditional methods such as rest, ice, and medication are not enough. Fortunately, technology has evolved, and there are new treatments available to help accelerate the healing process. One of those treatments is laser therapy. If you’ve ever wondered how laser therapy works for injury recovery, then you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore what laser therapy is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, cold laser, or photobiomodulation therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that uses light energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. The therapy involves the use of a low-level laser, which emits light at a specific wavelength that penetrates the skin and targets the affected area. Unlike conventional lasers used in surgery or cosmetic treatments, low-level lasers do not produce heat, so they’re safe and painless.

How does Laser Therapy Work?

Laser therapy works by stimulating the body’s cells to produce more energy. When the light energy from the laser penetrates the skin, it’s absorbed by the cells and converted into cellular energy. This energy is used to repair damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. The light energy also activates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that’s essential for cellular function. When cells have more ATP, they’re better equipped to carry out their functions and repair damaged tissues.

Benefits of Laser Therapy for Injury Recovery

Laser therapy has a multitude of benefits for injury recovery. The therapy helps to reduce inflammation, which is a common cause of pain and stiffness. By reducing inflammation, laser therapy can improve range of motion, decrease pain, and enhance overall mobility. Additionally, laser therapy stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that’s essential for tissue repair. By increasing collagen production, laser therapy can help speed up the healing process and improve tissue health.

Another benefit of laser therapy is the absence of side effects. Unlike medication or surgery, there are no adverse side effects associated with laser therapy. It’s safe, painless, and non-invasive. Moreover, the treatment is quick and easy, with most sessions lasting between 5-15 minutes. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after treatment.


Research on Laser for Sport Injury Recovery

Laser therapy has shown considerable promise in treating sports injuries. A study from the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine found that Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) was 65.9% effective in treating all sports injuries.

A SPIE Digital Library publication emphasized the effectiveness of Low-Intensity Laser Therapy in treating various musculoskeletal pathologies. Similarly, research from the Journal of Laser Applications suggested that athletes with sports-related injuries returned to their sports faster after treatment with low-energy lasers.

A triple-blind, sham-controlled study found that LLLT facilitated superficial wound healing, although results varied concerning its effectiveness in treating pain and restoring function in musculoskeletal injury or disease. A study on tendinopathy published on the Liebert Pub website reported benefits from low power laser sources in treating tendon and sports injuries.

Overall, these studies suggest that laser therapy, particularly LLLT, can be an effective treatment for sports injuries.

I Have found LLLT to be very effective in treating arthritis, tendonitis and other related injuries in as little as 5 treatments.

Research on Laser for Neurological Injury

A study published on the Wiley Online Library revealed that different wavelengths of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) could affect functional recovery in injured peripheral nerves and traumatic brain injury in mice. Another study showed that laser therapy had a positive influence on nerve regeneration, specifically the sciatic nerve in rats after injury.

Research published on Springer highlighted the efficacy of LLLT on neurosensory recovery after damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. Another research paper indicated the positive impact of low-intensity laser therapy on recovery following traumatic spinal cord injury. A Plos One journal article also corroborated these findings, suggesting that transcranial LLLT improved neurological performance in traumatic brain injury in mice.

Further studies have shown positive effects of LLLT on neuromuscular recovery after crush injury in rat sciatic nerve, neuropathic pain relief and function recovery in rats with chronic constriction injury, and skeletal muscle repair.

How to Get Laser Therapy for Injury Recovery

If you’re interested in laser therapy for injury recovery, the first step is to consult with a healthcare professional. A licensed and qualified practitioner can assess your condition and determine if laser therapy is the right option for you. The practitioner will also determine the optimal number of treatments necessary for your condition. Treatments are typically administered in a clinical setting by a qualified professional. The number of sessions can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the desired outcome.


Injury recovery can be a long and challenging process. Laser therapy can help make it faster, easier, and less painful. The therapy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing process, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue repair. Benefits of laser therapy include pain relief, improved mobility, and faster recovery time. The therapy is safe, non-invasive, and has no side effects. If you’re interested in laser therapy for injury recovery, consult with a healthcare professional to determine if it’s the right option for you. Learn more about laser therapy for chronic pain HERE


  1. Wiley Online Library
  2. Springer
  3. Springer
  4. ScienceDirect
  5. Liebert Pub
  6. Springer
  7. Plos One
  8. Wiley Online Library
  9. Wiley Online Library
  10. LWW Journals


Patient focused integrative health care. Utilizing effective natural approaches designed to be used alone or to compliment conventional medical care.


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