
Ensuring optimal health and wellness requires a proactive approach. As a healthcare provider, I always recommend a series of comprehensive tests and panels for all new patients. These tests offer invaluable insights into various aspects of your health, enabling personalized care and early detection of potential issues. Here are my top five recommended tests and panels:

1. LifeLabs: Enhanced Healthy Living Assessment Panel


The Enhanced Healthy Living Assessment Panel from LifeLabs is a comprehensive screening tool designed to offer a holistic view of your overall health. It includes a broad spectrum of tests that evaluate critical factors such as blood glucose levels, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and more.

Why It’s Crucial:

This panel serves as a foundational health check, identifying any imbalances or abnormalities that could affect your long-term wellness. By getting a detailed snapshot of various biomarkers, we can tailor a health plan specifically designed for your needs.

What It Tests For:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides)
  • Liver Function Tests (ALT, AST, ALP, Bilirubin)
  • Kidney Function (Creatinine, eGFR)
  • Blood Glucose Levels
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12


  • Early detection of health issues
  • Comprehensive understanding of your current health status
  • Benchmark data for future comparisons

2. LifeLabs: Female/Male Hormone Panel


Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating numerous bodily functions, including metabolism, reproductive health, and mood. The Female/Male Hormone Panel from LifeLabs is designed to assess hormone levels, helping to identify imbalances that could be affecting your health.

Why It’s Crucial:

Hormonal imbalances can lead to a variety of health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and fertility problems. This panel provides a detailed analysis of key hormones, enabling targeted interventions that can help restore balance.

What It Tests For:

  • Testosterone
  • Estrogen (Estradiol)
  • Progesterone
  • Cortisol
  • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)


  • Identification of hormonal imbalances
  • Personalized treatment plans for hormonal health
  • Improved overall well-being

3. RMA: Food Sensitivity IgG Panel


The Food Sensitivity IgG Panel from Rocky Mountain Analytical (RMA) tests for IgG antibodies to identify potential food sensitivities. Unlike immediate allergic reactions (IgE), IgG-mediated reactions can cause delayed symptoms, making them harder to pinpoint.

Why It’s Crucial:

Food sensitivities can lead to chronic inflammation, digestive issues, and other health problems. Identifying and eliminating trigger foods can significantly improve your quality of life and alleviate a range of symptoms.

What It Tests For:

  • Over 200 common foods, including dairy, grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables


  • Identification of trigger foods causing adverse reactions
  • Alleviation of chronic symptoms like bloating, headaches, and fatigue
  • Enhanced digestive health and overall well-being

4. LifeLabs: Apolipoprotein B


Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a protein involved in lipid metabolism and is a key marker for cardiovascular risk. Elevated ApoB levels are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Why It’s Crucial:

Traditional lipid profiles may not provide a complete picture of cardiovascular risk. Measuring ApoB offers a more accurate assessment, particularly for individuals with normal LDL cholesterol but still at risk for heart disease.

What It Tests For:

  • Apolipoprotein B levels


  • More accurate cardiovascular risk assessment
  • Personalized strategies for heart disease prevention
  • Improved cardiovascular health

5. Mosaic Diagnostics: Organic Acids Test


The Organic Acids Test (OAT) from Mosaic Diagnostics examines metabolic byproducts in urine, offering insights into various aspects of your health, including mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter levels, and gut health.

Why It’s Crucial:

OAT provides a comprehensive overview of metabolic health, identifying issues that might not be apparent through traditional blood tests. It can uncover underlying factors contributing to chronic conditions, fatigue, and mood disorders.

What It Tests For:

  • Metabolic markers
  • Neurotransmitter metabolites
  • Gut dysbiosis markers
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies


  • Identification of metabolic imbalances
  • Tailored nutritional and lifestyle interventions
  • Enhanced energy levels and mental clarity


These top five tests and panels offer a thorough examination of key health areas, providing a solid foundation for personalized care. By investing in these assessments, you are taking proactive steps toward achieving optimal health and well-being.

Ready to take control of your health? Schedule your tests today and embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance.

Call to Action

For more information or to book your tests, contact us at or call 416-490-8243 . Your health is our priority!


When it comes to taking care of our health, there are many factors to consider, including diet, exercise, and stress management. One often overlooked aspect is heart rate variability, which is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. While it may sound complicated, understanding heart rate variability is essential for improving your overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore what heart rate variability is, how it affects our bodies, and what you can do to improve it.

What is Heart Rate Variability?

Heart rate variability refers to the changes in time duration between successive heartbeats. It is an important indicator of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system that controls many of our body’s automatic functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. To measure heart rate variability, it is necessary to use specialized technology, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) or photoplethysmography (PPG) devices.

There are several popular wearable devices in the market that can measure heart rate variability (HRV). The Whoop Strap and Apple Watch are among the most recognized ones, with the former being lauded for their high accuracy in measuring heart rate and HRV. Garmin devices, particularly the Fenix 7 & Epix models, also offer this feature, as does the Oura Ring. Fitbit’s Charge model is another notable mention. Polar H10 is known as the most accurate heart rate sensor in Polar’s history, and other devices like Suunto Smart Belt, Garmin HRM-Pro, 4iiii VIIIIVA, Zephyr HxM Smart HR Monitor, and COOSPO H6 also offer HRV monitoring capabilities. These devices not only provide critical health metrics but also help manage health trends.

How Does Heart Rate Variability Affect Our Bodies?

Research has shown that heart rate variability is closely related to our health and well-being. A high heart rate variability indicates a healthy balance between the sympathetic nervous system (which activates the “fight or flight” response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (which activates the “rest and digest” response). On the other hand, a low heart rate variability is associated with stress, anxiety, and other health problems. Furthermore, low heart rate variability can also be a risk factor for several serious medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression.

How to Improve Heart Rate Variability?

Improving your heart rate variability requires a combination of lifestyle changes and medical interventions. Here are some strategies you can try:

  1. Mind-body exercises: Activities such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and tai chi can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which in turn can improve heart rate variability.
  2. Exercise regularly: Exercise has numerous benefits for our health, including improving heart rate variability. Aim to engage in regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.
  3. Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being. Make sure to prioritize getting enough quality sleep to ensure better heart rate variability. For more Naturopathic solutions for better sleep click HERE
  4. A healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods and low in processed sugar and saturated fats can help promote healthy heart rate variability. For more articles on healthy lifestyle interventions click HERE
  5. Medical intervention: In some cases, medical interventions may be required to improve heart rate variability. These might include medications, such as beta-blockers, or treating any underlying conditions that might be contributing to low heart rate variability.


Heart rate variability is a crucial aspect of our overall health and well-being, which can be improved through lifestyle changes and medical interventions. By taking steps to reduce stress, stay active, get enough sleep, and eat a healthy and balanced diet, you can help promote a healthy heart rate variability. Additionally, if you suspect that you have an underlying medical condition, consult with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan. Remember, making small but consistent changes to your lifestyle can go a long way in improving your heart rate variability and overall health.

Lear more about HRV HERE


As we age, our bodies undergo several changes that are influenced by various factors like diet, exercise, stress, and other underlying conditions. One such condition that requires continuous monitoring is blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a common problem among adults across the globe, and it can lead to several health complications that can be fatal if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to keep a close eye on your blood pressure readings. But how often should you check your blood pressure? Let’s find out.

Age Matters

Your age plays a crucial role in determining how often you should check your blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association, adults above 40 with a history of high blood pressure or other underlying health conditions like diabetes should check their blood pressure readings at least once every year. However, if you’re above 65, you should check your blood pressure every six months to a year. Monitoring blood pressure levels regularly can help you identify and manage any changes that could lead to severe health complications.

For more articles on healthy lifestyle Click Here

Your Health Condition

Apart from age, your overall health also determines how often you should check your blood pressure. If you have a history of high blood pressure or any underlying health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, or heart disease, it’s important to monitor your blood pressure readings more frequently. You should discuss with your doctor about a monitoring schedule that’s tailored to your health needs and risks. Personally I like to recommend that patients check their blood pressure in the morning, afternoon and evening everyday for 1 week. They then take the average for all three times of day. This gives a very accurate sense of where your blood pressure is at.

Lifestyle Habits

Your lifestyle habits also play a crucial role in regulating your blood pressure. If you’re someone who’s prone to stress, consumes a high salt diet, or indulges in alcohol frequently, you may need to monitor your blood pressure readings more often. Similarly, if you have a sedentary lifestyle with little or no physical activity, you should check your blood pressure more frequently as well. In such cases, your doctor may advise you to monitor your blood pressure levels every 3-6 months.


If you’re taking blood pressure medication to manage hypertension, your doctor may advise you to check your blood pressure levels more frequently. Generally, doctors recommend monitoring blood pressure 30 minutes before taking your medication to determine its effectiveness. Afterward, you may need to take your blood pressure levels every few days or weeks, depending on your health condition.

Personal Preference

Lastly, your personal preference also plays a crucial role in determining how often you should check your blood pressure. If you’re someone who’s prone to anxiety or panic attacks, monitoring your blood pressure too frequently may cause more harm than good. In such cases, it’s important to discuss your monitoring schedule with your doctor and settle on a schedule that works best for you.


Monitoring your blood pressure levels is an essential step in keeping hypertension and other health complications at bay. However, the frequency of monitoring your blood pressure levels depends on various factors like age, health condition, lifestyle habits, and personal preference. Speak to your doctor to come up with a monitoring schedule that’s tailored to your health needs and risks. Remember, high blood pressure is a silent killer, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

For more on Blood Pressure Monitoring Click Here


Intermittent fasting is a different way of thinking about eating.

I’m suggesting that the majority of people have been eating too much and too often. I’m suggesting that breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. By following a few simple guidelines my readers can  loose weight, feel great and be healthier than ever before. The guidelines are:


  1. “6 to 8 and feel great”
  2. “Eat what you need”
  3. “Respect your food, respect yourself”


6 to 8 and feel great

Everyday eat within a 6 to 8 hour time frame. If you eat breakfast at 7:00am then your last meal of the day should not be later than 3:00pm. If you eat lunch at 12:00pm then your next and last meal should be no later than 8:00pm. In the first scenario you are basically skipping dinner and in the second scenario you are skipping breakfast. Water, tea, and even coffee are allowed outside of the 6-8 hour allotted time frame as long as there is no added calories, i.e. sugar, milk and or cream. There is also no snacking outside of your 6-8 hour window.

Now let me tell you why and how intermittent fasting works. Immediately after eating, a hormone in your body called insulin rises. Insulin tells your body to burn carbohydrates (sugar) for energy and to store whatever hasn’t been used in your liver and fat cells. This process continues for approximately 4 hours after eating. After 4 hours insulin drops and your body begins to dip into stored sugar and fat reserves for energy; or in other words that’s when you start burning fat.

It’s common practice for most people to eat 3 times a day with snacks in between, this means that we almost never dip into our fat stores. Therefore you would have to do some intensive daily exercise or eat incredibly small portions to loose weight. By following the 6-8 rule; you can almost be certain that you will be burning fat for approximately 10-12 hours per day. The only thing keeping you from shedding excess pounds is by being excessive with portion size and calorie intake, which brings us to the next guideline “eat what you need”.


Eat what you need

This guideline basically translates to portion control. One advantage about using the 6-8 methodology is that you will start becoming more in tune with your body and more aware of hunger and satiety. It is a great feeling to eat when you are actually hungry rather than out of habit. When we experience hunger, food is digested better. Hunger causes your gastrointestinal tract to prepare for food, including ample amounts of stomach acid aiding in the proper breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

Pay close attention to the point at which you no longer feel hunger and you are adequately satiated. Do not overeat. Eat to a point that you feel satisfied but not heavy and bloated.  You may notice that portion sizes become smaller. Now, because we are eating only two meals per day, it is also important that when we eat, we eat nutritious food and a variety of foods. Which brings us to the next guideline.

Respect your food; respect yourself

This guideline is about what kind of food you eat and how you eat it. As mentioned in the previous section, since we are essentially eating only twice per day, we want to be putting high quality foods into our body. Fresh, local and organic foods are what you want to focus on. The great thing about this diet is that it there are no restrictions on foods, it’s more about quality. Try to have meals that have a good quality protein, and complex carbohydrates such as veggies and whole-grains.

While making healthy choices is very important, it is also just as important not to stress over your food. Do your best to cook healthy while acknowledging that sometimes you will find yourself eating out, ordering fast food, and having desserts. Don’t beat yourself up about the choices you make, love whatever it is your eating, own it and do your best to eat healthy most of the time. Love your food and love yourself.


Final Thoughts

The guidelines I have purposed, although expressed in an original way, are not new concepts. Eating within a 6-8 hour window is also known as intermittent fasting; a lifestyle and medical intervention that shown to have a multitude of health benefits including lowering blood pressure, staving off cardiovascular disease and improving longevity. Presenting these ideas in away that is easy to incorporate into a daily routine can help to improve the lives of many people. I encourage you to try it out, give it a few weeks and let me know how you feel.

Fitness trainer Mike O’Donnell (2 meal mike) does a great job of further explaining intermittent fasting and how to easily incorporate it into your daily routine. I encourage you to visit his site


Patient focused integrative health care. Utilizing effective natural approaches designed to be used alone or to compliment conventional medical care.


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